QuickReport 5 Product information    .bigdisplay { BACKGROUND-COLOR: navy; COLOR: white; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: normal } TD { BACKGROUND-COLOR: white; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal } .toplindisplay { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d5ffff; BORDER-BOTTOM: #3399ff thin solid; BORDER-LEFT: #3399ff thin solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #3399ff thin solid; BORDER-TOP: #3399ff thin solid; COLOR: #990000; FLOAT: none; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; MARGIN: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 5px } .lindisplay { BACKGROUND-COLOR: white; COLOR: Black; FLOAT: none; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; MARGIN: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 5px } ol {margin-bottom:0cm;}              Quickreport Professional Version 5   QR5 is compatible with QR4 report designs, and existing applications will run without changes. Most of the visible changes affect previewing and exporting reports, with a few new options for band behaviour. Several new controls are introduced, including three that support double-byte characters. 

 Quickreport 5 Pro will cost £199 (plus VAT in the EU). Registered version 4 users can upgrade for £50 (plus VAT in the EU).

 Quickreport Professional Version 5 Features 

 Invisible changes

 Include more defensive handling of network printers, and less interaction with printers and miscellaneous memory leak and logic fixes. 


 Visible changes

  Events to control and customise standard preview.  Allow printing straight from the printer-setup button  Option to set the default extension in preview. For instance PDF instead of QRP.  Copy to clipboard' button on standard preview form.  New property for printables - 'ExportAs' = ( etNumeric, etText, etFormula, etLabel ) for XL.  It is possible to limit the number of pages in the preview, and a 'Cancel' button is added to the standard preview.  Background colour for report.  Childbands can print before, after or before and after their parent.   Alternative report viewer

  Based on XML format, the new previewer has better rendering and search facilites, and supports drill-down and mouse events. 

 New controls

  Sub-report control, displays a report within a report.  Wild band. Print anytime you want.  Controls with double-byte support, QRMBLabel, QRMBMemo and QRMBDbText.  FrameLines control - extends vertical lines over page breaks.  TQRShape has 2 new shapes, left and right diagonal lines.  The following controls from the QR PowerPack set are now included

 QRPP Controls


  Report element components:

  TQRPBand, TQRPChildBand: printing of this bands can be suppressed depending on a QuickReport expression  TQRPLabel can print rotated text  TQRPDBText can suppress printing of repeated values or of numerical fields with a value of zero  TQRPExpr can print rotated expressions  TQRPShape adds diagonal lines and triangles to QuickReport's TQRShape  TQRPDBImage can print external image files whose file names are stored in a data field  TQRPMemo allows embedding expressions in the memo text and individually suppressing blank lines  TQRPRichtext allows embedding expressions in the RTF and individually suppressing blank lines  TQRPGrid prints various styles of grids  TQRPCheckbox prints various styles of checkboxes (even with custom bitmaps)  TQRPExprCheckbox can print data aware TQRPCheckboxes  Utilities:

  TQRGridReport automatically creates a QuickReport form to print the content of a DBGrid as it is shown on the screen TQRStringgridReport automatically creates a QuickReport form to print the content of a TStringgrid as it is shown on the screen   New functions for QuickReport's expression evaluator:

  Abs returns the absolute value of the argument.   CalcDate can be used to add or subtract days, months or years to or from a date  CalcTime can be used to add or subtract hours, minutes or seconds to or from a given time  Chr converts an ordinal (ASCII-) value to a character  ColumnNo returns the current report column  Currency gets the currency string according to Windows' country settings  DayOfWeek returns the day of week for a given date  DayString returns the name of a day according to Windows' current country settings  DetailCount returns the number of detail records  DetailNo gets the current record number   ExtractDay returns only the day from a given date  ExtractMonth returns only the month from a given date  ExtractYear returns only the year from a given date  FieldLen returns the size of a data field  GetCaption gets the caption from another report component, e.g. the result of other TQRExpr components  IsNull checks if a data field has been assigned a value; works with memo and blob fields  MonthString returns the name of a month according to Windows' current country settings  PadLeft fills up a string with spaces from the left  PadRight fills up a string with spaces from the right  QueryParam gets the value of a TQuery parameter  ReadINI reads strings from any INI file  ReadRegistry reads strings from the registry  RecordCount gets the record number from a dataset  ReformatDate formats a given date with Delphi's FormatDateTime function  StrToNum converts a string to a number  Trim removes leading and trailing blanks from a string  QRDesign, the end user report design component previously published by Timo Hartmann Software, will be included with each full and upgrade copy of QR5.  Win32 versions for Delphi 7, 2006 and 2007 will be released first. We then intend to release versions for C++ Builder 5, 6, 2006 and 2007 depending on demand. QRDesign for use Quickreport 4 in Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005 will also be available for QR5 users.

    QBS Software