QuickReport 5.04.1 for Delphi 2009 maintenance release

December 1st 2008

This addresses some problems that were found in the initial release:

XML Preview The copy-to-clipboard button now works properly.
The 'Load' button works properly.
The sample application shows how to handle saving and printing with the XML preview
RichText controls These now render correctly
Memory losses Much reduced, in expression handling, printer setup.
SUM expression bug SUM expressions caused an AV. This is fixed
PDF export filter Works, with some limitations. Unicode is not supported, and embedding Unicode fonts may cause a crash.
Initial preview display error With custom paper sizes, the preview would open with the incorrect sized paper. This is fixed.

Known problems:

Printer setup The sample application shows how to handle printer setup using the standard preview events.
Unicode String expressions If you must have Unicode string expressions, let us know. We can offer support, but memory losses are still present. This is work in progress.

QBS Software thanks the QR users who reported problems and suggested solutions.