QRP File Formats
There is a difference between QRP headers in Delphi 4 and 5,
and a fix was made to QRPrntr.pas to correct it,
however this was
enclosed in an {$ifdef ver130} for Delphi 5 and has not been updated to
handle Delphi 6.
To implement the code look for the following in QRPrntr.pas.
{$ifdef ver130}
function GetFileHeaderSize( const Stream: TStream ): Integer;
// Assert parameters
Assert( Assigned( Stream ) );
// Determine size of header
result := QRPHeaderSize(Stream);
end; // function GetFileHeaderSize
procedure FixupFileHeader( const Stream: TStream; var aFileHeader: TQRFileHeader );
TQRD4FileHeader = packed record // Packed to have full control over alignment
FormatVersion : word; { File format version }
more code ...
To get the code compiled, add
{$define ver130}
above the conditional
{$ifdef ver130}
Delphi 4 QRP files can now be read.