These files are available only to customers who have purchased the full version of QuickReport from QuSoft. You will be prompted for a password before you are allowed to download any of the files. |
Filename | Filesize | Date | Description |
305D3SRC.ZIP | 150 kb | 2024-08-16 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for Delphi 3 (source code only) Maintenance Release 2 |
305D4SRC.ZIP | 155 kb | 2024-08-30 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for Delphi 4 (source code only). Requires Update Pack 2 or later |
QR20KP_4.EXE | 639 kb | 2024-07-30 | QuickReport 2.0K Professional for Delphi 4 |
QR304PC3.EXE | 940 kb | 2024-01-04 | QuickReport 3.0.4 Professional for C++Builder 3 |
QR305PC4.EXE | 992 kb | 2024-09-02 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for C++Builder 4 (full install) |
QR305PD3.EXE | 1033 kb | 2024-09-02 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for Delphi 3 (full install) Requires Maintenance Release 2 |
QR305PD4.EXE | 827 kb | 2024-09-02 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for Delphi 4 (full install) Requires Update Pack 2 or later |
QR305PD5.EXE | 840 kb | 2024-09-12 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Professional for Delphi 5 (full install) |
QR307PC5.EXE | 1158 kb | 2024-05-17 | QuickReport 3.0.7 Professional for C++Builder 5 (full install) |
QR307PD5.EXE | 844 kb | 2024-05-17 | QuickReport 3.0.7 Professional for Delphi 5 (full install) |
QR308PD3.EXE | 868 kb | 2024-09-20 | QuickReport 3.0.8 Professional for Delphi 3 |
QR308PD4.EXE | 869 kb | 2024-09-27 | QuickReport 3.0.8 Professional for Delphi 4 |
QR308PD5.EXE | 916 kb | 2024-09-25 | QuickReport 3.0.8 Professional for Delphi 5 |
QR3DEMC4.ZIP | 56 kb | 2024-12-07 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for C++Builder 4 |
QR3DEMC5.ZIP | 56 kb | 2024-05-17 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for C++Builder 5 |
QR3DEMO3.ZIP | 51 kb | 2024-12-07 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for Delphi 3 |
QR3DEMO4.ZIP | 52 kb | 2024-12-07 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for Delphi 4 |
QR3DEMOC.ZIP | 52 kb | 2024-10-08 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for C++Builder 3 |
QR3EDTC4.ZIP | 13 kb | 2024-10-15 | QuickReport 3 Pro example for C++Builder 4 that shows how to use the QREditor component. Requires QuickReport 3.0.5 Pro or later. |
QR3EDTC5.ZIP | 18 kb | 2024-05-17 | QuickReport 3 Pro example for C++Builder 5 that shows how to use the QREditor component. |
QR3EDTD3.ZIP | 9 kb | 2024-10-15 | QuickReport 3 Pro example for Delphi 3 that shows how to use the QREditor component. Requires QuickReport 3.0.5 Pro or later. |
QR3EDTD4.ZIP | 9 kb | 2024-10-15 | QuickReport 3 Pro example for Delphi 4 that shows how to use the QREditor component. Requires QuickReport 3.0.5 Pro or later. |
QR3IP2K.ZIP | 6 kb | 2024-02-17 | QuickReport 3 Professional add-on component for the InfoPower 2000 TwwDBRichEdit component that uses the RichEdit 2.0 control that comes in riched20.dll. For Delphi 4/5 |
QREC20I.EXE | 545 kb | 2024-09-02 | QuickReport 2.0i Professional for C++Builder 1. Includes compiled libraries, source code, examples and documentation |
QREC20K.EXE | 857 kb | 2024-05-28 | QuickReport 2.0K Professional for C++Builder 3 |
QREG11A.ZIP | 274 kb | 2024-04-03 | QuickReport 1.1a for Delphi 1 and 2. Source code, documentation and examples included |
QREG20K.EXE | 1159 kb | 2024-05-06 | QuickReport 2.0K Professional for Delphi 1, 2 and 3 |
QRRICH98.ZIP | 75 kb | 2024-09-08 | QuickReport 3 Professional addon component that uses the RichEdit 2.0 control that comes in riched20.dll. Includes the source code to the freeware TRichEdit98 component. |
QRRX.ZIP | 6 kb | 2024-03-05 | QuickReport 3 Professional addon component for the RX Library TRxRichEdit component that uses the RichEdit 2.0 control that comes in riched20.dll. Updated to use runtime packages. |
 Files listed here can be freely downloaded and used. Please see the included README.TXT before making any of these files available for download from other internet servers. |
Filename | Filesize | Date | Description |
CBDEMOS.ZIP | 25 kb | 2024-01-20 | Example projects converted to C++Builder. Includes main demo, custom preview and QREditor demo |
CONV1TO3.ZIP | 243 kb | 2024-11-10 | QuickReport 1 to QuickReport 3 conversion program with Delphi 5 source code included. Please see the QR3 Release notes web page for more information. |
CROSSTAB.ZIP | 12 kb | 2024-02-05 | Example showing how to create crosstab reports with QuickReport |
CUBE_RPT.ZIP | 11 kb | 2024-02-21 | Example showing how to create reports from the Decision Cube in Delphi 3 Client/Server. The example also shows several other usefull techniques |
CUSTPREV.ZIP | 24 kb | 2024-05-06 | Example project showing how to create and connect a custom preview form using QuickReport 2. This demo will not work correctly with QuickReport 3. |
D4STDDCP.ZIP | 119 kb | 2024-09-14 | The missing .dcp files from the qr305sd4.exe fileset. You will need these files to compile any packages that use the QuickReport 3 Standard packages. These files can not be used with QR3 Professional. |
GRIDLIST.ZIP | 15 kb | 2024-03-09 | Example to show how to call the QRCreateList function to create a report at runtime. Includes code to customize the report and to report on a single record selected by a TDBGrid. Delphi 1 & Delphi 3 projects included.
KB.ZIP | 64 kb | 2024-03-05 | QuickReport Knowledge base - Frequently asked questions and tips for Quick Report 2 and Quick Report 3. |
KBA4.PDF | 113 kb | 2024-03-05 | QuickReport Knowledge base in Acrobat PDF format, formatted for A4 paper size. Frequently asked questions and tips for Quick Report 2 and Quick Report 3. |
KBLETTER.PDF | 116 kb | 2024-03-05 | QuickReport Knowledge base in Acrobat PDF format, formatted for Letter paper size. Frequently asked questions and tips for Quick Report 2 and Quick Report 3. |
QR11B.EXE | 284 kb | 2024-08-15 | QuickReport 1.1b for Delphi 3. Free download for Delphi 3 users who want to continue using version 1 of QuickReport |
QR20INT.ZIP | 24 kb | 2024-09-02 | Interface sections of QuickReport 2.0 units |
QR20K.EXE | 488 kb | 2024-05-06 | QuickReport 2.0K update for Delphi 3 users |
QR20K_4.EXE | 507 kb | 2024-07-30 | QuickReport 2.0K Standard for Delphi 4 |
QR305SD4.EXE | 480 kb | 2024-09-02 | QuickReport 3.0.5 Standard version for Delphi 4 |
QR307SD5.EXE | 612 kb | 2024-05-25 | QuickReport 3.0.7 for Delphi 5 |
QR32-11.ZIP | 127 kb | 2024-12-09 | QuickReport 1.1a update for Delphi 2.0 users |
QR3CSTC3.ZIP | 10 kb | 2024-05-19 | QuickReport 3 example for C++ Builder 3 that shows how to do a custom preview and how to prevent a report from being rendered every time you print from the preview. |
QR3CSTD3.ZIP | 12 kb | 2024-11-29 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi that shows how to do a custom preview and how to prevent a report from being rendered every time you print from the preview. |
QR3DEMST.ZIP | 27 kb | 2024-06-25 | QuickReport 3 Standard demo project for Delphi 4/5 |
QR3DLLD4.ZIP | 9 kb | 2024-04-05 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how call a report that is in a DLL. |
QR3DLLD5.ZIP | 8 kb | 2024-02-18 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 5 that shows how call a report that is in a DLL. |
QR3DRWD3.ZIP | 5 kb | 2024-01-31 | QuickReport 3 project that shows how to draw directly on a report page using the report's QRPrinter class. |
QR3EXD4.ZIP | 7 kb | 2024-04-08 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how add datasets to a report for use with the TQRExpr component |
QR3HELP.ZIP | 226 kb | 2024-10-28 | QuickReport 3 Help file |
QR3HLD4.ZIP | 8 kb | 2024-04-09 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how to do labels going across the page horizontally |
QR3LSD4.ZIP | 7 kb | 2024-03-18 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how to keep a group of detail records together on one page. |
QR3MDID4.ZIP | 23 kb | 2024-03-07 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how to register new preview classes at runtime and how to switch between multiple preview forms in an MDI application. This version fixes some access violations that were in the 12/98 release. |
QR3RNGD4.ZIP | 16 kb | 2024-08-30 | QuickReport 3 example for Delphi 4 that shows how to print a range of pages when the report has stretching controls and/or when you do not want to render the report again when you print. Updated to include code to checking printer to see if it supports multiple copies. |
QR3SKIPD3.ZIP | 7 kb | 2024-11-29 | QuickReport 3 project that shows two ways of starting a report that starts the labels at a specific spot on the page. |
QR3TUT.PDF | 314 kb | 2024-09-21 | QuickReport 3 Tutorial in Adobe Acrobat format. All QuickReport users should read through this one! |
QR3TUTORIAL.ZIP | 126 kb | 2024-09-03 | QuickReport 3 Tutorial in Word 97 format. All QuickReport users should read through this one! |
QREDITHL.ZIP | 32 kb | 2024-01-20 | Help file for the Quick Report 2 TQREditor component. |
QRRRECT.ZIP | 2 kb | 2024-10-17 | TQRRoundRect component for QuickReport 3 Professional. Draws rectangles with rounded corners. |
REPEATS.ZIP | 6 kb | 2024-01-29 | Example showing how to repeat group headers after page break |
SPAN3C3.ZIP | 9 kb | 2024-03-02 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for C++Builder 3 for spanning reports across multiple pages horizontally |
SPAN3D4.ZIP | 6 kb | 2024-03-02 | QuickReport 3 Pro demo project for Delphi 4 for spanning reports across multiple pages horizontally |
SUBDET.ZIP | 10 kb | 2024-01-20 | Master/Detail tutorial. Guides you through the steps of creating multi level master detail reports |
3rd party add on products and free QuickReport 2 related files developed by QuickReport users. Questions regarding these files should be placed to the respective authors. If you have a product you want to have listed click here. |
Filename | Filesize | Date | Description |
43ARTIST.EXE | 1199 kb | 2023-12-18 | QReport Artist 3.0.3. Developer and end user report desing tool based on QuickReport 3. IDE is as Delphi 4, mailing label support, drag and drop, report wizard and much more. This is a Delphi 4 version. Other versions at the home page |
BARCOMP2.ZIP | 52 kb | 2024-03-21 | BarComp 2 barcode component. Shareware ($69) by Zorn Software |
BARNOSRC.ZIP | 125 kb | 2024-02-12 | Barcode Component version 2 from MountainTop Systems. Free version. Source can be purchased for $30 |
MLRSP30S.ZIP | 218 kb | 2024-11-17 | MLRSP 3.0, Multilingual Resource String Patcher. VCL localisation tool with support for QuickReport. Shareware by AIT GmbH |
PowerPack | 432 kb | 2024-04-14 | Quickreport 2+3 PowerPack: includes components to automatically generate a Quickreport from a TDBGrid, TwwDBGrid or TStringGrid; 8 enhanced and 3 new Quickreport components (print rotated text, checkboxes, auto-stretch shapes with bands and much more), a new report expert and 25 new functions for QuickReport's expression parser. Shareware by THSD |
PsQRFilters | 0 kb | 2024-11-06 | WYSIWYG Export Filters for QuickReport!
Just drop one component onto your report form and give your application users the choice of exporting reports to HTML, PDF, RTF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, EMF, WMF. Download trial versions from Pragnaan |
QRANGLBL.ZIP | 5 kb | 2024-08-29 | TQRAngledLabel component for writing rotated text. Freeware with source by Francisco Maia Goncalves Neto |
QRCB2.ZIP | 5 kb | 2024-01-17 | Printable CheckBox and DBCheckBox components. Freeware with source (based on example code) by Paul Doland |
QRCB3.ZIP | 6 kb | 2024-10-03 | Printable CheckBox and DBCheckBox components. Freeware with source (based on example code) by Paul Doland |
QRDesign | 1266 kb | 2024-04-14 | QRDesign is an end-user report designer that is based on QuickReport. Trial versions and product information can be found at the Timo Hartmann Software Development Software home page |
QRTL200.ZIP | 232 kb | 2024-11-12 | QrRotateLabel v2.0. Rotated label component standard and data-aware), plus TQRLineGrid component. Shareware ($12.95). By BitSoft Development |
TEECHART.EXE | 1745 kb | 2024-03-22 | TeeChart 3.0, powerfull QuickReport compatible charting package by TeeMach SL. TeeChart is the native charting solution included with Delphi 3! |
TExtraFilters | 0 kb | 2024-09-04 | TExtraFilters is a collection of export filters which allow you to save reports in standard file formats such as BMP, JPEG, PDF, XLS, RTF, HTML, and CSS2. From www.waler.com |