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About QuSoft
Year 2000 (Y2K)
In addition to the features found in the QuickReport 2.0 Standard,
shipped with Delphi 3.0, QuickReport 2.0 Professional adds some significant functionality
and services for the serious Delphi and C++Builder developer. QuickReport 2.0 Professional
sells for only $99 and more info on ordering can be found on our order page or go directly to our online order form.
QuickReport 2.0 Professional is compatible with all Delphi versions, ranging from 16 bit
Delphi 1.0, via 32 bit Delphi 2.0 to the latest 32 bit Delphi 3.0 with Packages. It's also
fully compatible with C++Builder, the new C++ RAD tool from Borland. C++Builder ships with
QuickReport 1.0. QuickReport lets you easily develop applications for both Windows 3.1 and
Windows 95/NT.
Enhance your applications by letting the end user design their own reports. The
QuickReport TQREditor component is a simple end user report designer you can add to your
programs. Use of the component is of course royalty free. Users can connect to any
table/alias defined or write queries to retrieve data.
Other than mentioned above QuickReport 2.0 Professional includes some additional classes
and components compared to the standard version of QuickReport. These include:
- TQRExprMemo, new memo component which can include expressions that will be evaluated as
the report is printed. This component is very useful for printing personalized text blocks
- TPrintJob, class to easily write your own printing routine using the QuickReport print
preview system and ability to save and load printouts
- TQRPHandler, class that makes it easy to load, preview and print reports saved to a .QRP
QuickReport 2.0 Professional ships with 100% source code. That is almost 20.000 lines of
highly optimized Delphi code. Many companies have a policy to always own source code to
everything that ends up in the final application. Borland acknowledges this by shipping
the full VCL and RTL source. We do it by providing the full QuickReport source. Any
professional Delphi or C++Builder developer shouldn't be without it!
The source code is also a treasure chest if you want to dig into the more advanced
features of QuickReport or use some of the many utility classes included or you simply
want to learn how to implement features such as Experts, design time component editors,
property editors - or a advanced report generator!
During the development of QuickReport 2 we wrote a lot of utility classes. Many of these
can be very useful also outside QuickReport in your application. Some of the features you
can use from the QuickReport 2 Professional are:
- TQREvaluator, a complex expression evaluator capable of handling both numerical, logical
and string data types, custom functions and much more. This can be used for endless
purposes in an application.
- TQRMerger, a class combining the expression evaluator with a StringList, making it easy
to embed expressions in memo fields, e-mails and more and evaluate these on the fly,
inserting the results into the memo.
- TQRStream, a smart stream that transforms from a memory stream to a disk stream
automatically when the size exceeds a given limit. TQRStream is also thread safe!
- TQRGauge, a low overhead progress bar that wraps around the standard Win'95 progress bar
in 32 bit Windows and emulates it in 16 bit Delphi/Windows
- TQRCompress, high performance binary compression class
- TQRToolBar. While Delphi 3 has it's own toolbars and coolbars TQRToolbar is compatible
with all Delphi and C++Builder versions
- TQRPageList. If you want to access the individual pages of a report this class will
present them to you as Windows Metafiles. This will allow you to manipulate the final
report or even a report saved to a file.
- QRNew, a unique expert that shows not only how to plug deeply into the Delphi IDE but
how to make your components behave like Modules in your Delphi application, much
like the DataModule. This is used in Delphi 3 to let you add reports directly to your
project without having a parent form!
- Many other classes, procedures and functions that can be useful and time saving when
writing your application.
We provide e-mail based technical support to registered users. Users of QuickReport 2.0
Standard should contact Borland or the Borland News Forums for technical support.
Registered QuickReport 2.0 Professional users get free updates to any upcoming 2.x
releases and will get special discount prices on later versions. There will be at least
one major 2.1 version with many additional features. A date for this version will
be announced later.