Rebuilding Quick Report Library Packages

Note for C++Builder users at the bottom of the page.

There are two libraries - design-time Dclqrt50.bpl and run-time Qrpt50.bpl ( in Delphi 6 read 60 for 50). What follows also applies to the QRExports package.
The 'project' files for libraries are of type .dpk ( package definition), and these may be opened in Delphi like .dpr's.
To rebuild and re-install the libraries, follow this procedure -
  1. Open Delphi and use the packages menu to remove Quick Report from the design package list. This means hitting the 'Remove' button. All the QR controls will disappear from the palette. Don't panic, they'll soon be back.
  2. Close Delphi, use the explorer to find and delete all copies of Qrpt50.bpl, Qrpt50.dcp, Dclqrt50.bpl and Dclqrt50.dcp. Watch out for the Qrpt50.bpl in windows\system.
  3. Re-open Delphi, open project Qrpt50.dpk, don't do 'Install', only compile (see the picture below).
  4. Copy Qrpt50.bpl from \Borland\Delphi5\projects\BPL to windows\system.
  5. Back in Delphi, open project Dclqrt50.dpk and do 'Install'. At the end there will be a dialog telling you which components have been installed to the palette.

Where do things go ?

When you've freshly compiled a library the result is put in the 'Libraries Out' path, which is set to Borland\DelphiX\projects\BPL by default. For the design-time library this is the only place it needs to be.
The run-time library should be in windows\system, or whatever place you keep your application extensions.

The Delphi Library screen

Note for C++Builder users -
the process is very similar from C++B, except that packages have a .BPK extension.
You should delete all copies of Qrpt50.bpl, Qrpt50.bpi, Qrpt50.lib, Dclqrt50.bpl , Dclqrt50.lib and Dclqrt50.bpi
before re-opening C++Builder and rebuilding Qrpt50.bpk, and Dclqrt50.bpk. The distribution of the compiled units is more complex.

File name or type Directories
.pas CBuilder5\QuickRpt
.dcu CBuilder5\lib\obj
.obj CBuilder5\lib\obj
.dfm CBuilder5\lib\obj and CBuilder5\QuickRpt
qrpt50.bpk CBuilder5\QuickRpt
dclqrt50.bpk CBuilder5\QuickRpt
qrpt50.bpl ..\system32
dclqrt50.bpl CBuilder5\bin
.rc CBuilder5\QuickRpt
.res CBuilder5\QuickRpt
qrpt50.bpi CBuilder5\lib
qrpt50.lib CBuilder5\lib
.cpp CBuilder5\QuickRpt
.hpp Cbuilder5\Include\vcl