Composite reports - column headers not printing.To make column headers print correctly in composite reports a small code change is required to file 'Quickrpt.pas'. This fix is compatible as it does not affect the interface. 1. Declare a new module-wide global - var // AFTER the 'implementation' GlobalCompositeFlag : boolean; // Add this cqrRulerMinorStyle : TPenStyle; cqrRulerMajorStyle : TPenStyle; 2. In procedure TQRController.Execute, change a line - // next line failed in composite mode when PageNumber > 1 // amend to this if ((ParentReport.PageNumber <= 1) or GlobalCompositeFlag ) and { Print first column header } (SelfCheck is TCustomQuickRep) then begin if (ParentReport.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand <> nil) and (ParentReport.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Enabled) then begin ParentReport.PrintBand(ParentReport.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand); ParentReport.NoForceNewPage := true; end; end; 3. In procedure TCustomQuickRep.CreateReport(CompositeReport : boolean) add a line as shown - .. .. Controller.Prepare; PrepareComponents; GlobalCompositeFlag := CompositeReport; // Add this line Execute; if not CompositeReport then begin .. .. 4. Rebuild. |