Component exists bug
The solution / source of problem. The problem is that if you provide an ownerform in create, the component is added
to the parent form. The problem is that the name already exists if you add it twice. There are some workarounds.
First, you can give nil as the owner. This way, no name comparison is made, so no error occurs, but the user should
provide the free-method, because the form is not owned. If you want to prevent this, you should remove the AOwner-
parameter in create.
Second, the user (or QuickRep) can set the name to an empty string. An empty name is also not checked.
Third, the best, is to add an underscore and index number to the name. Compare this to adding the same form twice to
a form. The first will be named TFORM2_1, the second TFORM2_2 and so on. I could not find where this is happening,
but i think this is the best solution, because this is the way TFORM is treated. Normally you do not use the name of
a (Quickrep)Form, because you use the variable that references it, so altering the name to a unique name should not
pose a problem.
This code is in file "Quickrpt.pas"
       { TCustomQuickRep }
      	constructor TCustomQuickRep.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
       		CreateNew(Nil);// ***replace AOwner with 'Nil'***
       		if (ClassType <> TCustomQuickRep) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
           	InitInheritedComponent(Self, TCustomQuickRep)