Blank pages bug fix.Changes to QuickRpt.pas to fix extra newpage from GroupHeader ============================================================= 1. In the module level implementation declare new Boolean called 'PageBroken'. Implementation const .. .. Var ....... ....... PageBroken : boolean; 2. Amend methods (see below) procedure TQRCustomBand.MakeSpace; procedure TQRCustomBand.Print; 3. Put the new quickrpt.pas into the quickrep source directory 4. Rebuild the packages dclqrt50 and qrpt50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TQRCustomBand.MakeSpace; var AHeight : integer; begin if (ParentReport.Page.PrintOrder = ColByCol) or (ParentReport.Page.Columns = 1) then begin AHeight := round(StretchHeight(True)); if (BandType <> rbPageFooter) and (ParentReport.AvailableSpace < AHeight) and (AHeight <= (ParentReport.Page.Length - (ParentReport.Page.TopMargin + ParentReport.Page.BottomMargin))) or (ParentReport.PageNumber = 0) then begin // Amended by QBS QRTech 22/02/01 // this flag is true only if the last detail line busts the page pagebroken := (bandtype in [rbDetail]); // will print pageheader, groupheader ParentReport.NewColumn; end else // if a detail line prints without busting, reset the flag |