Installing QR4 and QR5
You must uninstall all previous versions of Quickreport before installation. This includes Standard, Professional and Trial versions. This may include a source directory, and libraries in Bin and Lib directories. Some C++ users experience apparently random AV's or even failures in the IDE after installing a new version of QR. This is nearly always caused by the presence of old files in the IDE search path. Earlier versions installed files in several locations to make them visible to the linker and compilers. This no longer happens and the old files are not overwritten. It also seems as if the BDS installers are spuriously distributing QR files, so even a new installation may have pitfalls for QR.
Please Note
Where to look
What to look for
All the linkable and source QuickReport files are listed here.
csProp.dcu CSProp.hpp csProp.obj csProp.pas grimgctrl.dcu grimgctrl.hpp grimgctrl.obj grimgctrl.pas lzw.dcu lzw.hpp lzw.obj lzw.pas MSXML_TLB.dcu MSXML_TLB.hpp MSXML_TLB.obj MSXML_TLB.pas pasall.hpp pasall.obj pdfconst.dcu pdfconst.hpp pdfconst.obj pdfconst.pas pdfobjs.dcu pdfobjs.hpp pdfobjs.obj pdfobjs.pas QR4DesignC6.cpp QR4DesignC6.res qr5const.dcu QR5Const.hpp qr5const.obj qr5const.pas QR5RunC2006.cpp QR5RunC2006.obj QR5RunC2006.res QR5RunC6.cpp QR5RunC6.obj QR5RunC6.res qrabout.dcu qrabout.ddp qrabout.dfm qrabout.hpp qrabout.obj qrabout.pas qrabsdatas.dcu QRAbsDatas.hpp qrabsdatas.obj qrabsdatas.pas qransilist.dcu qransilist.hpp qransilist.obj qransilist.pas qrbonus.dcu qrbonus.hpp qrbonus.obj qrbonus.pas qrcomped.dcu qrcomped.ddp qrcomped.dfm QRCompEd.hpp qrcomped.obj qrcomped.pas qrctrls.dcu |
QRCtrls.hpp qrctrls.obj qrctrls.pas qrdatasu.dcu qrdatasu.dfm qrdatasu.hpp qrdatasu.obj qrdatasu.pas qrdatawz.dcu qrdatawz.dfm QRDataWz.hpp qrdatawz.obj qrdatawz.pas qreditor.dcu qreditor.dfm qreditor.hpp qreditor.obj qreditor.pas qreditor.res qrenved.dcu qrenved.ddp qrenved.dfm QREnvEd.hpp qrenved.obj qrenved.pas qreport.dcr qreport.dcu qreport.hpp qreport.obj qreport.pas qrexpbld.dcu qrexpbld.ddp qrexpbld.dfm QRExpbld.hpp qrexpbld.obj qrexpbld.pas qrexport.dcu qrexport.hpp qrexport.obj qrexport.pas qrexpr.dcu QRExpr.hpp qrexpr.obj qrexpr.pas qrexpred.dcu qrexpred.dfm QRExprEd.hpp qrexpred.obj qrexpred.pas qrextra.dcu QRExtra.hpp qrextra.obj qrextra.pas qrFramelines.dcu qrframelines.hpp qrFramelines.obj qrFramelines.pas QRIDEWz.dcu qridewz.hpp QRIDEWz.obj qridewz.pas qrlabled.dcu qrlabled.dfm |
QRLablEd.hpp qrlabled.obj qrlabled.pas qrlablwz.dcu qrlablwz.dfm qrlablwz.hpp qrlablwz.obj qrlablwz.pas QRMBCtrls.dcu QRMBCtrls.hpp QRMBCtrls.obj QRMBCtrls.pas qrmdsu.dcu qrmdsu.dfm qrmdsu.hpp qrmdsu.obj qrmdsu.pas qrnew.dcu qrnew.hpp qrnew.obj qrnew.pas qrnew.rc qrnew.res qrpBaseCtrls.dcu qrpBaseCtrls.hpp qrpBaseCtrls.obj qrpBaseCtrls.pas qrpctrls.dcu qrpctrls.hpp qrpctrls.obj qrpctrls.pas qrpCtrls.res qrpdffilt.dcu QRPDFfilt.hpp qrpdffilt.obj qrpdffilt.pas qrpexpr.dcu QRPExpr.hpp qrpexpr.obj qrpexpr.pas QRPP.INC qrprev.dcu qrprev.ddp qrprev.dfm QRPrev.hpp qrprev.obj qrprev.pas qrprgres.dcu qrprgres.ddp qrprgres.dfm QRPrgres.hpp qrprgres.obj qrprgres.pas qrprnsu.dcu QRPrnSu.hpp qrprnsu.obj qrprnsu.pas |
QRPrntr.dcu QRPrntr.hpp QRPrntr.obj QRPrntr.pas QRSearchDlg.dcu QRSearchDlg.ddp QRSearchDlg.dfm qrsearchdlg.hpp QRSearchDlg.obj QRSearchDlg.pas QRWebFilt.dcu QRWebFilt.hpp QRWebFilt.obj QRWebFilt.pas QRWizard.dcu qrwizard.ddp qrwizard.dfm QRWizard.hpp QRWizard.obj qrwizard.pas QRXBrowser.dcu QRXBrowser.ddp QRXBrowser.dfm QRXBrowser.hpp QRXBrowser.obj QRXBrowser.pas qrxdocument.dcu qrxdocument.hpp qrxdocument.obj qrxdocument.pas QRXMLSFilt.dcu QRXMLSFilt.hpp QRXMLSFilt.obj QRXMLSFilt.pas QRXSearchFrm.dcu QRXSearchFrm.dfm QRXSearchfrm.hpp QRXSearchFrm.obj QRXSearchFrm.pas quickrpt.dcu QuickRpt.hpp quickrpt.obj quickrpt.pas quickrpt.res SupComps.dcu SupComps.hpp SupComps.obj SupComps.pas WideList.dcu widelist.hpp WideList.obj WideList.pas WideList.res widestrmerger.dcu wideStrMerger.hpp widestrmerger.obj widestrmerger.pas |
QBS Software Limited 10th June 2008