Printing the preview metafile.

When QR previews a report it is always saved as a metafile which
is an exact replica of what appears on the preview window.
No regeneration is required so the printing will take place immediately.
This is an unofficial fix. It requires placing a global variable
in the interface part of qrprntr.pas, so will break compatibility
with TChart.
There are 2 changes -
1. Declare a global var 'GlobalPrintMetafile' in the interface of
qrprntr.pas, like this -
  QRExportFilterLibrary : TQRExportFilterLibrary;
  GlobalPrintMetafile : boolean;// add this line
2. In TQRPrinter.Print change 1 line like this (must do)-
    // line below has 'and not GlobalPrintMetaFile' inserted
    if assigned(FMaster) and not ReportLoaded and not GlobalPrintMetaFile then
      PostMessage(Master.Handle, CM_QRPRINT, 0, 0)
      if (Status = mpFinished) and PrinterOK then
        APrinter.Title := Title;
  AND  replace this line ( optional) if you want custom paper sizes -
  APrinter.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, APrinter.PageWidth, APrinter.PageHeight), APage)
  WITH this ...IF you want to use custom paper sizes.
         if papersize <> custom then
                APrinter.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, 
				                 APrinter.PageWidth, APrinter.PageHeight), APage)
                          Rect(0, 0, 
						       aprintersettings.FPaperWidth, aprintersettings.FPaperLength), APage)
  3. To print the metafile use this code -
  // remember to put qrprntr in the 'Uses' list ...
  // when the print is selected from the preview, the metafile will
  // be printed.
  GlobalPrintMetafile := true;