Quickreport Server

The Quickreport Server is a web server designed to execute and deliver Quickreport reports, which have been saved as report designs, or incorporated in DLLs ( more ...).
The server is implemented as a Win32 service, and is administered through a utility.

The server operates in two modes, HTTP via a web browser, and through a custom client using a private protocol. The client software is supplied. The server has facilities to administer users and reports in such a way that reports may be allocated to users via access levels. Public access, i.e. without a password, is built in through a standard public user. Session management is implemented for greater security and server administration may be password protected.

For some screenshots of the server configuration see here.

Comparison between the operating modes.

The server is able to operate both modes simultaneously.
1. Allowing HTTP access requires that certain web pages be supplied, such as a login page, a page showing the reports available for each user group, and certain error response pages. The advantage is that these pages may be customised.

Reports delivered to HTTP clients are created as HTML, any images are stored on the server as they are created and served up as required by the browser. A separate directory for each user is created to prevent contention.

2. When using the QRX client, it is necessary only to supply the user with this software. The QRX client will handle the login and display a list of reports received from the server in a menu or on buttons. Reports are delivered as XML with embedded images, and are displayed in a browser similar to the QR standard preview, but with better rendering, thumbnails and search facilities. The client program can be customized.

Advantages and Features

Download the Demo version

The demonstration version has certain restrictions -

Only 2 users may be registered
Only 4 reports may be registered
The QRX client is not customizable.
PDF delivery is not available in the Demo
