Fixes, Workarounds and Enhancements

August 2011 QR 5.05.1/502.02

Version 5.05 Pro has been updated to 5.05.1 for Delphi XE, 2010,2009 Win32 and C++Builder 2009/2010/XE.
Version 5.02 Pro has been updated to 5.02.2 for Delphi 2007, 2006, 2005, 7, 6 Win32 and C++ Builder 2007, 6.

The following has been implemented

  1. Display problems in preview: The bugs with non-standard resolutions and double monitors now fixed. With double monitors or non-default screen resolutions the text in the preview did not display properly.
  2. New XML spreadsheet exporter: This exporter creates an EXCEL spreadsheet in XML format, suitable for opening in recent versions of Excel. see
  3. Memory leaks fixed: One major leak after previewing, and one in the base exporter class and two in XMLSFilter.
  4. Expanded height: Some small problems with band expanded height and TQRExpr expanded height. QRExpr control did not give correct expanded height.
  5. Preview pagedown fixed: In preview the pagedown keys in the thumbs panel would advance two pages.
  6. XML fixes and enhancements:
    • XML export support for rotated text and XML preview
    • XML save QRX format as QRP. Method QRXDocument.saveAsQRPFile
    • XML preview support for composite reports TQRCompositeReport.PreviewXML
    • XML zoom>100 bug fixed in qrxdocument
    • Implement page range printing in QRXDocument
    • New PrintZoom property to QRXDocument
    • Added support for underline and strikeout in XML export and preview
  7. Paper Sizes/Types: Internal list of paper sizes/types updated.
  8. HTML export (Unicode versions): Multipage mode debugged.
  9. Group header bug fixed: The 'ForceNewpage' and 'reprintOnNewpage' bug fixed.
  10. Export bug fixed (Unicode versions only): ANSI encoding bug fixed. The filters were incorrectly using ASCII encoding by default.
  11. XLS spreadsheet filter: The 'XlColumn' property added to allow better formating of XL files.
  12. Unicode: Versions QR5051 and QRDesign 1.59 : Expressions fully Unicode compliant.
  13. PDF export: Reverse text implemented. Also the bug in line thickness for shapes is now fixed. Now supports fractional values.
May 2010 QRDesign 1.59

Dataset filter: The feature of QRDesign 1.4 and earlier versions which allows a user to filter a dataset before the report is generated was not implemented fully in QR Design 1.59 at the time we acquired it. There is a straightforward workaround using the 'BeforeDatasetOpen' event which is called when the table or query is opened. details

July 2008 QR5.02/QRD

Scripting in QRDesign: This sample shows how to add a BeforePrint event to a band. The code will check if the page has 20 lines, and if so, forces a new page. details

May 2008 QR5.02 Installing QR4 and QR5 in C++Builder BDS 3,4,5 - details
May 2008 QR5.02 Maintenance release - details
May 2008 QR5.01 C2006 reference to wrong package(vcljpg100.bpi). There are two workarounds for you - change the dependency to 'vcljpg.bpi' or make a copy of vcljpg.bpi and rename it to 'vcljpg100.bpi'. This will be fixed in 5.02 which we are working on now. 8/5/2024
May 2008 QR5.01 Childband problems. Childbands are now able to print before and/or after their parent. The default is accidentally set to 'BeforeParent' which is wrong. So users with childbands have to reset the property. This will be fixed in 5.02 which we are working on now. 8/5/2024
May 2007 QR4 Report designs which use the formless style of earlier versions of Delphi will not load into BDS 3.0/4.0/5.0 unless the Quickrep component is registered. Instructions here. We are preparing a regisration procedure to automate this.
May 2007 QR4 Printing large reports without re-creating them. There is now a global flag in Quickrpt.pas called PrintMetafileFromPreview. If this is set to true, then printing from the metafile will not recreate the report.
Nov 2005 QR3.62/QR4 Change the colour of a band at runtime. There is a new property of bands called TransparentBand. If set it stops the band background from overprinting.
May 2004 All Adding new paper formats - here
Aug 2003 All Greying print buttons while printing is taking
January 2003 All Printer setup : How to get the users selections of Bin, Collate and PrintQuality. This is a Delphi code sample with comments.
March 2003 All Some help with RTF display problems. here. This refers to some old components which might still be in use.
September 2001 All Controlling the preview window after creation.This article shows how to access the preview window and set its properties.
August 2001 All Adding extra printer bins. Some newer model printers have unfamiliar names and codes, and so will not be settable from Quick Reports unless the code is amended.This article shows how to extend the range of printer settings available.
June 2001 All How to use the QRP Handler in qrextra.pas   
April 2001 All The loopband - mystery component explained.