Information about the support service
Please read important installation instructions here BEFORE you install any version of Quickreport.
Various documentation and samples, including the FAQ, are available here.
Support is provided for versions 4.x and 5.x. If you are using version 3.x or
earlier we will ask you to upgrade prior to receiving any technical assistance.
E-Mail support is available for licenced users.
It will minimise delays if your request email conforms to our standard, see
here for
the preferred format.
Your email should include the license number, the exact version
of QR ( eg QR5.01), and the language and version ( eg Delphi 7 ).
There are a number of DIY fixes listed here. These apply to
versions dating back to 3.62. Most of
the issues there are fixed in later versions.
Information about building libraries
Further technical info
Software Download
Buy a copy
Important Advice for Supportees
The support staff are spending too much time mailing people for information that should have been included
in the first request.
You should follow this pro-forma or you may go to the back of the queue.
SUBJECT : Version/Platform/[here put a very short description of the problem]
Example : 'QR5.01/Delphi2006/error when compiling'
QR Version : QRX.XX ( with upgrades YYYY)
Operating System : Win2K, XP etc
[ repeat the above in EVERY email, either top or bottom ]
Description of problem : keep it as short as possible. Include make and model of other
software or hardware involved.
Don't be concerned if your English is not perfect, we will do our best to communicate.
Advice on style :
1. Never ask 'why'. We are not philosophers.
2. Do not use phrases like 'xxx does not work'. We know that or you wouldn't have mailed, would you ?
3. Tell us what you saw and what you expected to see.
Please send QuickReport support emails to