
Beta Release  The download link is at the bottom of the page.

The QR.NETAdapter allows existing QuickReports designed in Win32/64 environments to be executed in .NET applications.

To use the Adpater, a single component is added to the form and properties and methods are used. If the report requires a database connection this may be setup in the IDE using the data connection dialog provided.

The adapter component in the properties window in Visual Studio

Calling method to Preview the report in VB

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub

Calling method to Preview the report in C#

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Adding a 'NeedData' event in C#

        private void qrnetAdapter1_GetAbstractData(QuickReport sender, SRAbstractEventArgs e)
            CQRLabel label = (CQRLabel)sender.detailband.GetControlByName("QRLabel1");
            if (label != null)
                label.Text = "Record: " + e.RecordNumber.ToString();
            label = (CQRLabel)sender.detailband.GetControlByName("QRLabel2");
            if (label != null)
                label.Text = (e.RecordNumber+65).ToString();
            e.MoreData = e.RecordNumber < 100;

The first trial version supports the following QuickReport features
  • Title band
  • Page headers and footers
  • Detail band
  • Expressions
  • Group headers and footers
  • OnNeedData reports

Supported Controls
  • QRLabel
  • QRImage
  • QRDBText
  • QRSysData
  • TQRDBImage
  • TQRShape

The beta version may be downloaded here.
Sample applications in VB and C# are given.