QuickReport 5.05 Release Notes

For 2010 (RAD7) and 2009 (RAD6)

Recent changes include,

  1. Expressions and expression builder work with unicode literals.
  2. XLS filter: XLColumn property added to printable controls to allow column specification.
  3. PDF and other export filters support Ansi encoding.
  4. Underline and strikeout font decoration in XML export and preview
  5. Fixed group header 'ForceNewpage' and 'reprintOnNewpage' bug.
  6. Html filter works with streams.
  7. Implement page range printing in QRXDocument.
  8. XML export and preview : support for rotated text
  9. QRXDocument has new method 'saveAsQRPFile' to allow XML->PDF transition.
  10. TQRCompositeReport now has a PreviewXML method.